Coffee and a Catch Up?

Oh hello there! It appears that I only return to this little old blog in the summer (funny that…). Long story short, they’re not lying when they say second year of university is waaaaaay more intense than the first! Once Christmas break was over, it was a non stop avalanche of work all the way… Continue reading Coffee and a Catch Up?

New (School) Year Resolutions

Hello! Something to know about me: I am incredibly shit at keeping up New Year's Resolutions. I don't even bother making them anymore. But seeing as my second year has just started, I thought I'd treat this as my "new year" and set some goals that I hope to achieve by this time next year.… Continue reading New (School) Year Resolutions

Brandon Flowers really is The Man: The Killers at Hyde Park

It's always quite a moment on a night out, whether it be at a club, a wedding, a disco, when the DJ starts playing that one song and before the infamous "I'm coming out of my cage" begins, the crowd has already completely lost their shit. I am of course talking about Mr Brightside, which… Continue reading Brandon Flowers really is The Man: The Killers at Hyde Park

What I’m Watching: Top TV This Summer

First official blog post, hey hey! They say that television viewership declines in the summer months because people are outside enjoying the sunshine, sitting in pub gardens, going to the beach - you know, living an exciting life. I, on the other hand, have spent the summer so far watching some pretty addictive television. The… Continue reading What I’m Watching: Top TV This Summer